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First Post

By George

Hey folks!

So this is our newest attempt to keep people informed about what’s going on at the clinic and share stuff that we think you might find helpful. While our goal at the clinic is to keep things as simple and repetitive as possible (the last thing anybody in a medical field wants is an ‘interesting day’) that doesn’t mean that our staff aren’t interesting people.  Each of them has a broad range of interesting experiences and studies to draw from that make them exceptional at what they’ve chosen to do. The secret to keeping things boring around here is understanding what causes problems and preventing them before they occur. This blog will hopefully be an opportunity for the staff to share some of their insights on pet care, veterinary medicine, and other topics that they don’t always get to talk about in person.

For example, Dr. Meghan has spent years studying population health for animals and shelters, reviewing hundreds of real-world case studies to see what works and what doesn’t. Before she became the Testicle Terminator we all know and love today, she used to consult on shelter design, medical treatment protocols, adoption practices and a number of other tricky population health issues across the country. Hopefully when she has a bit of spare time she’ll be able to share some of those lessons learned here.

Kiki, our token quirky staff member and ‘cat whisperer’ has a myriad of little tips and tricks for keeping them happy and healthy that she employs in our cat room to make their day at the vet less stressful. She’ll be relaying some of those along with other research projects for some occasionally controversial topics she takes upon herself here.

The rest of the staff will contribute articles on various aspects of pet care and other subjects that interest them as well, with George occasionally chiming in with an update about what’s going on with the clinic or some observations on how the business is doing (for those of you following along at home, we aren’t bankrupt yet!). We’ll also go into some more detail about how we approach surgical cases and why. We’ll hopefully talk a bit about how we keep incisions so tiny and time under anesthesia so low, as well as why we insist on keeping our schedule so regimented and hopefully explain some of the other weird seeming quirks that make this clinic work.

Basically, we don’t know for sure what we’re going to use this blog for yet, but it seemed like a good idea and the search engine guys told us we should make one. If you guys have any requests or ideas for things you’d like our opinion on, please let us know (I think there might be a comment section? Not sure yet) This post will double as a test post for it, so if weird things happen with the formatting or it randomly disappears you can blame George’s twiddling. This last sentence is just here to get this post over 500 words, I’m told that’s important as well.
