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The Dreaded Price Increase Part II

By Michael Roggenbuck

Hey folks,

This is not something we had expected to have to do again so soon, but I’m going to bet that most of you aren’t really surprised to see this. By now, you’ve probably noticed that groceries cost about 2-3x what they did last year, gas has doubled and rent is unrecognizable. Unfortunately, we haven’t dodged any of that – all of our suppliers have doubled their prices on just about everything we buy and all of our staff are getting hit with the same rent and cost of living issues, so I’m afraid we need to follow suit to keep paying our bills and ensuring our employees can pay theirs. I’d love to say this will be the last one for a while but honestly, I have no idea where things are going at this point. We’ve received notifications from nearly all of our suppliers over the last couple months that ‘prices will be increasing again due to global supply chain issues’ and unfortunately, we’re nowhere near big enough to be able to push back on that.

So What’s the Damage?

  •  All cat spay and neuter procedures will now be $75, regardless of size (I’m going to miss the kitten discount, I loved that).
  • Dog surgeries will now be $250, with a $75 discount for dogs acquired through a 501c3 pet rescue, shelter, or humane society. We built this clinic specifically to help rescues and humane societies get as many animals possible into adoptable shape and provide them a chance at a life. So, while it’s going to cost us, we’re going to try to keep doing that in whatever way we’re still able. Those who support that mission by adopting animals from rescue will receive the discounted rate of $175.
  • There will be some changes to the extra charges for large dogs.  The large dog fee will kick in at 50 pounds now (previously 60 pounds). An additional $20 will be incurred for every 25 lbs above that.
  • We use an outside lab for our lab and bloodwork, they recently got purchased by another big company who hopped on the price raising bandwagon and as such, we are going to need to increase the cost of most lab work by about $5 to keep up.

Alright, When Does this Happen?

October. Anytime we need to do something unpleasant, we try to at least make sure that nobody gets surprised for it. That means if you’ve already signed up for our services, we’ll honor the price at the time you booked your appointment. That’s what you expected when you chose us, so that’s what we’ll do.

In short, this sucks and we’re sorry. As always, if any of this puts care for your pet outside of your abilities, please reach out to us. Our community support funds were pretty well drained over the last couple of years, but we can still occasionally do a little bit to help, and at the very least, we will do everything in our power to help you get access to whatever resources we know about. I’m sorry, I wish I had a happier ending for this post, but I genuinely don’t have a great reason why things won’t continue trending this way. 


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